Friday, July 30, 2010

Day 4: 買い物の日 The Shopping Day

Somehow, it feels like I am blogging to myself. なんか、このブログ私だけ読む?ハハハ


Everyone woke up early that day~

あの日初めてのパート写真!たくさんのお土産もある!無料の写真ももらった。すごいですね。いまたぶん、あの写真MeridianのBand 屋にアップと思います。
first section photo of the day! There's even free gifts given out at the counter and we told them to take them as souvenirs. and we even gotten a free photo printed from them! so awesome right. I think it's up on the section cupboard now..

They were so excited about riding the train. Felt so happy to see how happy they were.

*Because my Japanese sucks, this paragraph would have no translations. SORRY! 日本語が下手ですから、この段日本語がない!すみません!*
After aimlessly walking around because all the shops were closed, we ended splitting ways to save time. Lynette went with Sachiho, Brandon with Ayano, I went with Ami and Saaya. Heard from Brandon that Ayano spent the money like water, 200 over bucks on clothes etc. Saaya only spent 2 bucks on ice cream!!

いと先生一緒に写真を撮った。Picture with Ito Sensei! :D

初めてのパートPolaroid! First section polaroid!

面白い顔!Funny faces!

Double Reeders, Flautists, Percussionists and a Clarinetist. Lunch.

あの昼Meridian Band練習がありましたね。 ちなみに、あの昼, 明電の皆さん, Universal Studios Singapore へ行きました。楽しいでしたか?
We had band practice that afternoon. By the way, that afternoon, Meiden went to Universal Studios Singapore. Was it fun?

Bandの後、7午後ぐらい、私たちMcDonald'sへ行きました!皆さんのプレセントを作る。 (すごいね、オーボエの皆さん名前のInitialsはAです。ファゴットの皆さんの名前のInitialsはSです。)
After band we went ahead to McDonald's at around 7pm to do up the presents for Ayano, Saaya, Ami and Sachiho. :D (Wow. Initials of the Oboists are A and the initials of Bassoonists are S)

ファゴット!Bassoons! :D

オーボエ!Oboes! :D

その夜、おもしろの事件がありました!(ΦωΦ)フフフ… なんか、半裸の女がある!私の席のちかく。
That night, something hilarious happened! HAHAHA. Somehow, there was a half-naked woman near my seat.

後で、ラストの日! After this, the last day!
I have a test tomorrow, damn scared! See you again!

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